Posted in August, 2010
Idiot Gymnastics
Car Vanish
Cool trick!
Skater Falls Off Rail
He does manage to sit up after his head hits the pavement.
Car Clips Speeding Truck
A car completely blows a red light and clips a speeding truck sending both cars flying.
Idiot Sets Pants on Fire
This kid decides to poor gas on his pants and then light it on fire then has trouble putting out the flames.
Beach Face Plant Off Exercise Ball
Firstly, stunting off a buried exercise ball doesn’t get the ladies. Secondly, guy takes the direct approach and ends up directly in the sand.
Base Jumper’s Parachute Fails
Hans Lange attempted a dangerous base jump down a Norwegian mountain. When he hit his parachute, it failed, causing him to bounce down the mountainside.
Big Guy Cries to Stop Fight
A big dude picks a fight, but when he starts to get his ass kicked, he starts crying and begs the other guy to stop.